Practice Recording

It is important that you know how to apply sensors (EEG cap or electrodes) and be able to get a good EEG signal before doing the actual assessment. Before sitting down for your actual assessment, apply electrodes to your (or a volunteer’s) head and connect to the amplifier for a test recording. Trial recording Following […]

Beginning a Session With Your Whole-Brain Training Plan

The instructions below will guide you through doing your first EEG session. Please review instructions as needed for finding sites, placing electrodes, using your amplifier. Get ready before putting on sensors/cap. Connect the amplifier to the computer. Open your Brain-Trainer software. Look at the training plan. The column listed as Active shows which sites you […]

Test Recording

Before sitting down for your actual assessment, apply electrodes to your (or a volunteer’s) head and connect to the amplifier for a test recording. Check the signal quality. Do your best to get all channels with a good signal as described in previous lessons. Record just step 1 – EC (eyes closed), a single minute […]

Recording the Assessment

Recording the assessment means gathering EEG data from the brain to be used in creating a personalized Whole-Brain training plan. It is important that you know how to apply sensors (EEG cap or electrodes) and be able to get a good EEG signal before doing the actual assessment. When you are able to achieve and […]

Placing the TC26 and Electrode Assemblies

NOTE: Saline solution should be kept away from any electronic devices. Hands should be dry when handling the device (such as connecting electrodes). In the event that liquid may have entered the device or its connectors it should be immediately reported to the manufacturer’s technical service and the use of the device should be suspended […]

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